Our massage online booking center
NO-SHOWS: We have a policy for patients who book but do not show up, or cancel without enough notice. If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment, or cancel without enough notice for us to fill the appointment (usually 24 hours), you will be billed for the appointment.
Unfortunately, since we can not confirm lost/spam emails, we will enforce our no-show policy. If you wish, please ask the staff about text message reminders, or get the appointments written on a business card when you are leaving the clinic.
NEW MASSAGE PATIENTS: PLEASE arrive with paperwork filled out, or arrive 15 minutes EARLY. Forms can be found under the NEW PATIENT CENTRE.
PREGNANT PATIENTS: Currently only Rose, Jaime, Dawn, Alex, and Anya perform prenatal massages, please do not book with the therapists other than these. Please note on the appointment that you are prenatal, so we can have the proper cushions ready for your session.
SGI or WCB: If this is a motor vehicle accident injury or work related injury, please make note of this. It is very important we know at the time of booking. We currently are not accepting new WCB patients, unless you have already attended the clinic.
EMAIL / TEXT MESSAGE SETTINGS: You will receive an email or text confirming you made a request, you will receive a confirmation when the appointment is approved, and then a reminder, usually the day before. If you are not receiving emails, check your junk email settings, or contact your provider. Text messages can be set up, but you need to opt in with the staff, for it to work. Please note this will occur with each appointment you book, as the system does not lump them together.
Thanks for helping make the online system work smoothly, we look forward to seeing you soon!
Please note, this is a REQUEST and not a live booking. Clinic staff need to review your request and approve it. First, select a time range, the next page will allow you to pick a specific time.